Bike Trials Links
Bike Trials Links
Online Resources
Observed Trials – Primarily North American bike trials forum with pictures, videos, buy and sell section, beginners section, regional sections, and more.
Trials-Forum – U.K.-based Internet forum similar to Observed Trials.
Trashzen – An informative website with explanations and videos of various trials moves and techniques. A great place for beginners to learn the basics.
Bike Trials on Wikipedia – An explanation of bike trials history, rules, and bikes.
NATrials – North American Trials is an organizational body for trials competitions in North America. It's a great place for North American riders to find competitions in their area, as well as competition results and articles.
UCI Trials – Bike trials page on the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) website. The UCI is the main governing body for the highest level competitions and the world championships. This is a good resource for competition information and results.
Facebook Groups
USA Bike Trials Riders - General trials group for riders anywhere in the U.S.
Northeast Bike Trials - Trials riders in New England.
New York City Trials Riders - Trials group for the Big Apple.
Southeastern Trials Series - Trials group for the southeastern U.S.
Louisiana Bike Trials - Trials group for riders in the Bayou State.
Madison Trials Riders - Trials riders in Madison, Wisconsin.
Southwest Bike Trials - Trials riders in the Southwestern U.S.
San Francisco Trials Riders - Trials riders in the Bay Area.
San Diego Trials Riders - Trials riders in San Diego, California.
Pacific Northwest Trials Riders - Trials riders in Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Canadian Bicycle Trials - Group for all things bike trials in Canada.
Vancouver, BC Trials Riders - One of the hotbeds for trials in North America with many active riders.
Victoria, BC Trials Riders - Trials riders in Victoria, BC and Vancouver Island
Kamloops Trials Biking - Group for riders in Kamloops, BC.
Alberta Bike Trials - Trials riders in Alberta, Canada.
Trial Bike Montreal - Trials riders in and around Montreal, Canada.
Trials Manufacturers
Echo - Chinese manufacturer of trials bikes, frames and parts. Echo is one of the largest trials companies out there and also makes Adamant, Czar, GU, and Zoo! trials bikes.
Inspired Bicycles - The brand made famous by trials legend Danny MacAskill. They offer a full range of street trials bikes for beginners and pros alike.
Trialtech - U.K. manufacturer of trials components with a full selection of parts including forks, handlebars, rims, hubs, and more.
Jitsie - A Belgium-based moto and bike trials company that produces a full range of trials bikes, components and clothing.
Crewkerz - French bike trials company known for their innovative and technical designs. The official sponsor of World Champion Jack Carthy, they produce a range of trials bikes and components.
Clean - Spanish company founded by multiple time World Champion Abel Mustieles offering complete bikes and a full range of parts.
Monty - Founded in Spain by the father of legendary trials rider Ot Pi, Monty is the oldest and probably most famous trials company in the world.
Hope - U.K.-based manufacturer of high quality brakes, hubs, headsets, and more.